Are you looking for a part-time and temporary customer service position in Utrecht? Earn between €15 and €17 per hour in a sustainable company.
As a customer service employee in Utrecht, you are the voice of the organization and the first point of contact for our customers. You are ready to answer their questions, whether it is by phone, email or chat. You have a problem-solving ability that enables you to effectively address customer complaints and problems. Your tasks include:
In short: with your communication and service-oriented skills, you contribute to a more sustainable world! Many conversations are in English. Speaking Dutch is not mandatory, but it is useful
What do you get in return?
You will work in a temporary part-time position of 24 hours per week, with a salary between € 15 and € 17 per hour. We understand that flexibility is important, so we offer the opportunity to work from home and organize your hours in a way that suits you best. And that's not all: if the collaboration goes well, there is a chance of an extension of your contract.
About the company
As a Customer Service Employee, you will work for an innovative and sustainable company in Utrecht, which combats food waste in the hospitality and food industry. With smart technologies and data insights
Are you the perfect candidate? Click the button 'apply now' and we'll contact you as soon as possible!
Emma van Seters, bereikbaar op tel. 06-16035194 of +31616035194
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